14 Sep Grateful through it all: Myles is especially thankful for YOU!
“Through the grace of God, I am forgiven.”
A loving husband, devoted father and accomplished professional, Myles struggled with an alcohol addiction he thought he could manage on his own.
“I didn’t think I needed spiritual help or assistance from a higher power,” he says.
Yet after several futile attempts to regain his sobriety, his life spun out of control. “During a five-year period, I lost everything that was important to me, including my home, my wife, my children, my career,” he shares.
As his addiction escalated, he adopted dangerous and self-destructive habits that nearly ended his life. But at the same time, they opened his eyes to how much he wanted to live.
“I made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God,” he says. “And the Market Street Mission was the place I was drawn to.”
“I realized that the choices I’d been making were decisions to die. The Holy Spirit worked through me to help me recognize I want to live.”
Today, describing the first few months in our Christ-centered addiction-recovery program, Myles says it’s been a journey not only of self-discovery and self-improvement, but also education through the Bible and God’s Word. Most importantly, “by learning God forgives me, I’ve been able to forgive myself.”
As Myles heals spiritually, we’re also helping him regain his self-esteem and rekindle values like daily structure, accountability and gratitude. “They’re teaching me how to live again.”
While Myles doesn’t yet know what the future holds, he plans to serve the Lord and hopes to restore his relationship with his children.
As Myles celebrates this Thanksgiving, he feels incredibly thankful for your compassion and support – and how it’s given him a fresh start in life. “I now get my self-worth from understanding that I am a child of God. I’m trying every day to walk with Him.”
To read the rest of this issue of Market Street Mission Messenger, click here.
Help other people like Myles…
Myles’ story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?